Cool things

WOW effects

Below are some effects and features that are available for every site.

Not only should your site be clean but also FUN to visit!!

You want visitors to return over and over again, not just be an online placeholder.

Embed Personal Videos
Video is often underutilized on websites and there's SO much that can be done with it.

Simple and short videos can become exciting presentations and add a personal touch to your site.

It adds a very professional and fresh look to your site.

Also, they don't have to be stored on Youtube to display them on your site.

Video playing can appear in a window that is easily closed and visitors never leave your site.

Click on video at left and see Debbie Coehlo of welcome you to her clinic in a short intro video!

Embed Youtube / Video Feeds

Videos pop up - Visitor NEVER leaves your site!

[tubepress mode="tag" tagValue="Top News" resultsPerPage="12" playerLocation="fancybox" paginationAbove="false" resultCountCap="12" flexibleThumbnailRows="true" googleApiKey="AIzaSyBzTxC-ytF1rciYvnOHo-0okvpn1wF-O6c" ]

Text Effects

Is your site
easy to read?
Hard to read or badly spaced text can really ruin a good site.

A site should be easy on the eyes and not be an ordeal to read through.

Don't let it happen to you! I can implement a variety of effects for your content.

Have your text fold down and up for a clean, compact look

Here is where your site's text can go. The text will fold down, then the header can be clicked again and it will fold back up and disappear! Go ahead and click on the title again


Sorry, not these kind of sliders!
Sliders add so much value to the appearance of your website. A lot of content can be packed, cleanly, into one stunning area.

On top of this, they are completely customizable in size, color, operation and navigation.

Best of all, there are a lot of them and they can display whatever you need highlighted.

A few example are shown below.

Don't just have your posts listed in a boring linear fashion - show them off!

[rosterslider id='1']

Who doesn't like a photo gallery?!

[fotoslider id='1']


Ok...what are we looking at below? I'll tell you!

Want to have your content embedded in another site? (somewhat like a Super Beefed Up RSS Feed?)

Yes! i can do that for you. And with simple code for your target website to implement.

Great for wikipedias, knowledgebases, price lists, tips, etc and best of all, it can contain the same multimedia and text effects you've seen above.

Below is a feed coming from one of the sites i designed and implementing it here took only ONE line of code! So your client sites can have as little coding requirements as possible to implement your content on their site.